Once you have signed up for your preferred hosting package, they will send you an email with all your details.
Please go to: https://letmecreate.it/onboarding/my-details and submit these details safely to us so that we are able to access your control panel and install the website.
Remember, we also need your domain name manager access to connect the website with the domain name. IF you haven't purchased a domain yet, or forget to do it during the hosting signup, just hop back there and add it to your account.
We will then prepare everything that is needed for you to be ready to go, including:
1. Your new email addresses (you can tell us during the data submission which email address you want, e.g. yourname@yourdomain.com)
2. We will secure the website against hackers
3. We will install spam minimization
4. We will set up a backup regime on the server